Did you know that eating unhealthy, unbalanced meals will slow your recovery process? Not to mention, it’ll weaken your immune system, increasing your chances of getting ill. To properly recover, you need to prioritise your food and nutrition, before, during, and after training.

Before training: Never skip breakfast or a meal before training. Your body needs the fuel to get through your session, not only today but also for tomorrow. 
During training: You need to take in at least a bottle of liquid (electrolytes) per hour to help you stay hydrated. If the session is harder, or the temperatures are hot, you might need to increase this. Also remember to eat enough carbs and fuel in the form of gels, bars, and health foods to keep you going. Remember training is the time to try new fuel, not during events – train your gut!
After training: After a hard session, have a recovery shake, followed by healthy, balanced meals to help your muscles recover and be ready for future training.

Rest days and recovery periods need fuel and nutrition to be effective. A great way to get the nutrients and protein you need is to have a recovery shake directly after training. But remember, a recovery is a supplement and should not be used as a meal replacement. Also never diet and cut calories (good calories) during difficult training periods.

Eat and drink to fuel your training and recovery. With the right tips, tools, and recovery nutrients, you’ll be your best on every ride.
