Are you looking to shed pounds and enhance your fitness? Consider endurance riding, a discipline centred around long, steady-distance rides that boost both fat-burning capabilities and aerobic endurance. With its rising popularity, endurance riding offers adventurers a chance to create lasting memories while escaping into the perfect ride.
Are you ready to give it a try? Amidst the sea of training resources, it's easy to feel overwhelmed about where to begin. Here are five actionable steps to gear up for your endurance ride:
STEP 1. Streamline your training by ditching junk miles.
STEP 2. Seek guidance from a seasoned coach.
STEP 3. Engage in group rides tailored to endurance.
STEP 4. Infuse intervals strategically into your regimen.
STEP 5. Gradually and sustainably increase your training.
The endurance zone in training is known as Zone 2. This is 55% – 75% of your FTP (functional threshold power), and for the most part, is a conversational pace. Endurance rides should be in Zone 2, and span from 90 minutes and longer.
Ready for an epic endurance journey? Whether it's your first 2-hour ride, 100 miler or if you're aiming for a 24-hour non-stop adventure, we're here to help you every step of the way. Join our community of endurance enthusiasts who ride weekly and let's make unforgettable memories together.